My personal reflection

My personal reflection is usually in the form of a conversation with God and usually includes both sides of the conversation. I know it's weird but that's how the Lord speaks to me.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

“Follow Me”

Mark 2:13-17
Jesus went out along the sea. All the crowd came to him and he taught them. As he passed by, he saw Levi, son of Alphaeus, sitting at the customs post. Jesus said to him, "Follow me." And he got up and followed Jesus.
While he was at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners sat with Jesus and his disciples; for there were many who followed him. Some scribes who were Pharisees saw that Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors and said to his disciples, "Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?"  Jesus heard this and said to them, "Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners."

Two words, “follow me”??
How could you say two words to one man and he gets up and leaves his post and invites you and all your followers to his house?

Lord, you had to make an impression on him.
Lord, did he follow because he saw the crowd that followed? Maybe
Lord, had he seen or heard of your miracles? Maybe
Lord, was he at the end of his rope and you came along at the right time? Maybe
Lord, had he been searching for what was missing? Maybe

Or, Lord, did he see you, see into your eyes and see God? Was his heart open so he could feel your love, your healing touch, your mercy, compassion, your forgiveness? Lord, did he feel the joy and peace that are your calling card?

It doesn't really matter does it? He followed and he AND others were rewarded because he followed.
He was an instrument. I use all kinds of instruments. Old, broken, rusty, partially repaired or in the process of repair and clean shining ones. The clean shiny ones were once broken and rusty. I can use any tool no matter how broken it is. But those in the process of repair are easier to use, they can be used more delicately with more precision and are less likely to fall apart in the process of being used.
Honestly, those that are in the best working order are used most often and they continue to need cleansing and maintenance and sometimes they break down too. But when they do they get my attention. Not because I love them more, but because they ask sooner. They repent faster and come running back faster.

I want you to be a clean working tool in my hands. Remember the “In My Hands” part. Let me move you. Don't resist my pull in any direction, bend into my hand become one with my hand and the pains will be fewer and shorter lasting and not so deep that it will take a long time to recover. But there will always be pain, as long as you are on earth.

Now Go

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