My personal reflection

My personal reflection is usually in the form of a conversation with God and usually includes both sides of the conversation. I know it's weird but that's how the Lord speaks to me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother:

Lord, all I want is to be in your arms
Mark 3:31-35
Lord, What I see is that you are not denying them.  You are including those who do the will of God.

Lord, for so long, it didn't make sense, but now I see that you are extending your family to include me and all who follow the will of God.  You are giving everyone an opportunity to be in close relationship to you.

Lord, you are misunderstood by so many.  Back then when you walked the earth and today people are opposed to you because they do not understand.  If they did understand and their hearts were open, I believe the only ones who would oppose you would be the evil ones who choose for themselves to follow the evil on.

Lord, I have to remind myself that I will never be understood by all, that accepting that will make me more like you.

Lord, I can see how the evil one can deep me stirred up when that happens.  It is pride once again and stubbornness and a lack of humility that is guiding me in my own lack of peace. 

Help me let it go.  Help me to think of you when I am misunderstood.  Help me choose peace over the turmoil that stirs me up and keeps me in a state of anxiety and fear and makes me feel like a victim who will try to change them.  I know I cannot change them. You  couldn't.

Lord, help me to just pray for them and know that their understanding and acceptance is their choice and that they have in their own hands the choice to do whatever they choose, just as I do.

Lord, help me accept when I am wrong and to move on with peace and without shame and self condemnation.

I am here with you always.  Bring your worries to me and I will console you.  I can give you peace in adversity but you have to come to me and ask for it.  I am the author of peace and I am the one who holds it and extends it.  I'm talking about true peace.  Compromising truth and justice are not peace.  Accepting evil in the name of peace is not my peace, it is a lied.  A lie that many choose to accept out of their own brokenness out of fear, fear of making waves for any cause being right or wrong.  They hide behind passivity and call it peace.  That is not what I want.  I never want you or anyone to lay down truth in order to keep 'peace' because that is not true peace.  That is not my peace that endures.

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