I see that you have specific words for specific people, that you select people at your whim to do certain things and to share certain truths with.
Lord, these men, these apostles were not great until you made them great. They were nobodies. They all had real imperfections and their personalities where all different. It does seem like the worst became the best, or at least the ones who are mentioned more, the ones who's actions stood out. lord, help me rid my head of all the negative thoughts that come from the evil ones. I struggle so much with them. I so often listen to their lies and I believe them. I entertain them. I let them grow.
Lord, how do I stop it?
The negative comes from them. Even if it comes from you, it came from them originally. You know that even when I tell you something you don't want to hear, it does not sting. You feel the love in which I use, I am, I have for you. Love and peace come with my words, no matter what they are, words of consolation or correction.What have I been telling you? Look for the peace. If there is no peace it is not from me and it its not from me, don't accept it, reject it.
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